Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quote for the day (12)

Some Christians haven't even attempted to think about whether or not they would die for Jesus because they haven't really been living for Him.


QueenBeeing said...

Definitely thought provoking. Great blog!

Tamela's Place said...

Great quote. I had to ask myself are they truly christians? But only God knows their hearts.

We (God's people) really need to take that quote seriously, afterall who knows it might not be much longer before some are faced with this.

Scott said...

Tag your it! Check it out on my Blog

God Bless!

TOMAS said...

Thank you... wile reading, I have questioned myself do I live for my Lord? Or am I just one of these who call themselves the Christians?
I was humbled and comforted - thank you for the help to awake

Lori Laws said...

Excellent quote! Unless we aren't ready to die, we aren't ready to live :)


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