I tried to walk fast past Didn’t make it He called out to me Hey what’s the hurry ? Didn’t you see me? I know I smell a bit And my clothes are torn and dirty My ‘colour’ is a different ‘colour’ And I come from another country But have the courage to see me To speak to me To look me in the eye Did you know I am also made in His image Just like you I’m not asking for money But just that you see me as human So be brave Have courage And really take a good look at me Who knows you might even shake my hand Or better still Just give me a hug Lord knows I really need a touch of His love I don’t want to die here in your country I’m so far away from my beloved homeland So lost and so afraid Especially when I look into your eyes
I wrote this poem as a reaction to the horrific xenophobic attacks in South Africa in May and June this year.
I dedicate it to Ernesto Alfabeto Nhamuave (35) who was burnt alive in a terrible act of mob violence. Referred to as the "burning man" in the media.I refuse to post a picture of his death but rather post a picture of him and then a picture of when he was finally laid to rest at Vuca village in Homoine, Mozambique. He leaves behind a wife and three children aged 12,7 and 4.
Our grandson Aronne was born on the 1 May 2008 at 5.26am. He weighed 3.365kg and was 50cm long(tall?). Yip those are the stone cold facts. But they really say so little about all that has been before and all that is to come. The creation and formation of a new life is just staggering to think about. This was a hugely anticipated event not only by all of us and of course especially mommy and daddy but also anticipated by God. He creates life, He ordains and controls everything but He wants us to work in partnership with Him. So it is when He gives us the incredible gift of a new born baby that we have this amazing opportunity to shape and mold a life. And now Lisa and Donovan have entered into this new partnership with Him for and on behalf of Aronne.
Do you know when something so incredible happens that you don’t really know how to react just in case you look like a fool. Kinda like walking around with your jaw on the floor in amazement and going around saying something intelligent like, “Huh, duh…” The psalmist says it so beautifully when he uses the phrase, “you knit me together in my mothers womb”. The whole incredible way, two cells join and form one new cell, the messages carried in the DNA coding, the formation and joining of a million nerves from the brain with a million optic nerves from the eye and man you could just go on and on. Just blows your mind. And then of course this tiny being has a soul. He has thoughts, feelings and emotions…..phew. And most amazing of all Aronne is totally unique. There has never been anyone like him, there is no one like him in existence now and there will never be anyone like him in the future (oh yes this applies to every human ever born, including YOU!) Truly, going back to David the writer of that Psalm, Aronne (and YOU!) is wonderfully and fearfully made.
When God wants to do something really big on this planet for His glory He often starts with something really small, like the creation of a baby from two tiny cells. Just like He did when Jesus was born to save all those who would accept His FREE GIFT of Salvation.
So where was I when Aronne was born. Sound asleep (typical male huh) until my cell phone went off and Allie told me of the momentous arrival. However I had been blessed by being with friends who understood exactly what was happening. We had been covering Lisa and Aronne in prayer from the moment we arrived at our camp and first thing that Thursday morning we had an intimately awesome time of prayer thanking and praising God for His wonderful gift, given with his grace, mercy and love.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:13-16 by David)
So about a week and a half ago Matthew and I went on a Father and Son camp which was organized by Grant Hopkins from the Durbanville Methodist church.
The only reason we got to go is because God really wanted us to. We went with three very good friends of mine, Peter, Clint and Grant W and their sons. If it wasn’t for God’s love working in my friends hearts we would never have been able to get there.
You see one of my friends told us about the camp, another paid for us and then another one drove us there. So all I had to do was get my pride sorted out to accept God’s blessings that He was holding out to me, waiting for me to accept His love. Of course I have this pride thing so wrapped and sorted by now that it really ain’t any problem I’m so goooooood at dying to self I just do it and feel no pain what so ever. Yeah right, who am I trying to convince here, me or you! Of course you know the first person we deceive is always ourselves. So I wrestled and grappled with my pride even after I’d said yes to all the graceful and loving offers of my friends and finally came to a place of peace and acceptance as Jesus and the Holy Spirit just prepared my heart and spirit to enjoy this day and a half camp.
Aren’t we all so like that. God is constantly holding out His hand through the death of His son, Jesus Christ offering us untold blessings, salvation, adoption, fellowship, glorification, never to cry again, to live in heaven in perfection without sin for eternity, peace, mercy, hope, love, grace……..I could go on but I hope you get the picture. And then what gets in the way, yup you guessed it our pride. I mean we can sort out our own lives and we know exactly what is going on and we have everything planned and every contingency covered. We know exactly what is going to happen during the course of any day, we know what is going to happen to us in the future……..yeah right…. how foolish we are.
So Clint came to pick us up with his boys Luke and Cane on Wednesday at about 3.30pm and we headed off to Rocklands just outside of Simonstown. For an action packed time of fellowship and for us dads to enjoy our sons and for our sons to enjoy their fathers. It was such a blessed time. We played indoor soccer (till 10pm at night, until the dads legs almost dropped off), indoor cricket, swimming (brrrrrrr!!), climbed on the climbing wall, went for a hike, a treasure hunt, saw penguins and baboons, worshipped, braaied, super tubed, visited the Navy Museum.
The most amazing thing was just the time we spent with each other. Matthew only really asked me one thing, to play indoor soccer with him. As tired and aching as my body was I always tried my best to say yes. Although sometimes I initially said no, then there were always a few ‘good’ friends around to convince me to play.
The other awesome thing is that while we were on the camp my step-daughter gave birth to her son Aronne Adam Bell. So I got a call just after 6am from Allie on Thursday morning telling me that I’m a grandpa. Needless to say the guys really pulled my (sore) leg on that fact. Didn’t get me out of playing any indoor soccer though.
I realized God so much wants to just spend time with us. If we accept Christ as our saviour we are adopted as sons and daughters and God is our Father. Right now God just wants to spend time with you. We most of the time don’t really see all the opportunities He gives us.
If you want a quick look into God the Father’s heart go read Luke chapter 14 verses 11 to 31, where Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son. Charles Dickens refers to it as the greatest short story ever told.
Here is a version of that story done in song by John Waller.
Still Calls Me Son
I drug his name through godless places
And I've known shame that no child of his should know
I've seen pain on broken faces
Beyond all thought of hope
I was just too far from home
Still I always wondered when I closed my eyes
After all I've done
Could he run to me?
Would he kiss my face?
Could he even look at me?
After where I've been should he take me back?
I would understand I've disgraced him
But it would be amazing
If he still calls me son
With nothing left for me to bring him
I left my pride and turned my heart toward home
I saw my home on the horizon
And from a distance I saw my Father
Watching for his own with forgiving eyes
After all I'd done
He just ran to me
Then he kissed my face
He would not let go of me
After where I'd been
He just welcomed me
I didn't understand
But he put his robe on me
It was so amazing
That he still called me son
One day as I breathe my last
And I know my days on earth have ended
When every hour is spent
I will close my eyes in amazement
And I'll hear angels
They'll be singing Amazing Grace
Cause he will run to me
And he will kiss my face
He will not let go of me
After where I've been
He will welcome me
I won't understand
How he'll put his robe on me
It will be amazing
That he'll still call me son
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
When he calls me son
I once was lost but now I'm found
Cause he calls me Son
Trying music video of a song for the first time.Probably work a lot better for users with really faster/broader connections. Might not work too well for South African users. Also might link to other so called related videos which might not be so good. Checked this once or twice but don't know to tweak the html code 100% yet. Just don't play the other "related" videos if they come up. Just please give me feedback.
PS. A huge thank you to Grant H for organizing this camp and for the fellowship of all the other dads and their sons.
Well finally I have completed uploading all the stuff I could find that I have written since about 2004. I actually finished doing this last weekend on the 26 April eventually posting 38 articles from the 10 April to the 25 April. I tried to get as close to the original date of writing as possible.
I have noticed that I’m missing some stuff that I have written, so if any of you out there have got anything I’ve written and don’t see it on the blog , please email it to me. Thanks!
I thought now all I need is to have writers block and totally freeze up and not be able to write anything. I’m not the kind of person who writes something everyday. I kinda write as I’m inspired to write mostly by His Holy Spirit and out of a knowledge that I serve a wonderful creator who loves me more than I can comprehend.
The past week has been hectic, which is great ‘cause that gives me lots to write about. Last weekend Allie went away on a ladies camp at the Rocklands Centre. She was blessed by the fellowship and teachings. I took two days leave in order to tie in with the public holidays and then have the whole week off. Monday evening I taught at our mens group and was blessed by the fellowship. Tuesday I spent the day with one of my best friends, Paul Finaughty, we had been trying to get together for about two years now. Crazy hey, but I’m sure you know just how fast life whizzes by. We had such a wonderful time just talking and talking to each other. Then on Wednesday spent packing for Father Son Camp and then went to watch Matthew at rugby practice, first time I had this opportunity to watch one of his practices. Then Clint and his boys came to pick Matthew and myself up at about 3.30pm. Then we were off to Rocklands Centre for the Father Son Camp. We crammed in as much as we could from Wednesday 3.30pm to Friday 11.30am. Then on Thursday morning (5.25am) Lisa my step-daughter gave birth to Aronne Adam Bell, our grandson!
So I will be writing about the happenings of the past week and some other matters that have been laid on my heart. Got some pics of the Father Son Camp as well as of Aronne so will be posting those as well, this will be a first for me but hey now I can do it.
So hope to be writing and posting more soon.
PS Here is a rocket song for Christ, which I just felt like adding to this post. Enjoy it!(14 June 2008)
I love You Lord I worship You Lord, always So thankful Lord - You saved my life You saved my life today
Let me be a shining light for You Let me be a joy to You always Let me be a shining light for You Let me be a joy to You always
No superman I'm no hero I'm just a man in Your eyes But through Your son I've overcome The father of all lies